What Is Smoke Drain Testing & Its Benefits?

At Streamline Environmental, we know just how easily hidden drainage issues can sneak up on you. Fortunately, inspection methods such as smoke train testing exist precisely to identify such problems.


Drain smoke tests are a non-invasive approach to identifying hidden drainage issues. If left to worsen, drainage problems can cause serious damage to a property, posing health and safety hazards and leading to costly repairs. Therefore, it’s essential to identify and address these issues as early as possible.


As experts in working with drain cameras, septic tanks, cesspit drainage, and smoke testing, Streamline Environmental can help you with any drainage issues you have. Today, we shed light on the smoke testing process and the benefits of this approach for identifying hidden drainage problems. We will also delve into the various application scenarios of this testing method.


The Smoke Testing Process

The process of smoke drain testing involves three main steps: preparation, implementation, and interpretation of the results:


  • Preparation: Before the test, contractors will prepare the plumbing system by ensuring all drain traps have water and vent pipes are sealed. This step is crucial to ensure the smoke does not escape through the vent pipes or dry traps.
  • Implementation:A blower or smoke machine pushes the smoke into the system once the plumbing system is ready. The smoke travels through the plumbing system and exits through any leaks or defects.
  • Interpreting results:Contractors identify the defects by observing the smoke’s movement. The final step is to interpret the results so that any issues detected can be repaired.


The process of smoke drain testing is quick and efficient and completed within just a few hours, making it a practical solution for identifying hidden drainage problems.


Benefits of Smoke Drain Testing

Drain smoke tests are an excellent method for identifying hidden drainable problems for property owners. Here are some of the benefits of this approach:


Identifying hidden issues & preventing future costs

This inspection method detects hidden drainage problems that may not be visible through conventional inspection methods. For example, smoke testing can identify problems such as inadequate slopes, poorly designed drainage systems, and corroded pipes. The earlier you discover these issues, the better. You can avoid costly future expenses if you catch them before they worsen.


A non-invasive testing method

Smoke drain testing is a non-destructive method that eliminates the need for excavation or drilling, significantly reducing the risk of property damage. The testing process is quick and efficient, typically taking only a few hours to complete, which minimises disruption to the property. Since smoke drain testing is non-invasive, there is no requirement for digging or cutting into pipes. This quick and minimally impactful inspection procedure can result in substantial cost savings compared to more invasive methods. Contractors save both time and money on labour and equipment costs.


A quick & effective testing method

Smoke drain testing offers a quick and efficient solution, typically taking only a few hours to complete, which minimises disruptions to the property. This non-invasive approach to drain testing requires minimal preparation or cleanup.

Testing Application

Smoke drain testing has various applications, working as an effective testing method for different drainage systems. There are several applications where smoke testing can identify issues before they develop into more costly fixes.

Residential properties

In residential properties, smoke testing can identify hidden problems in drainage systems, such as leaky pipes and faulty sewer lines.